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Dr. Ann Cavoukian Joins D-ID’s Advisory Board

AI news

Dr. Ann Cavoukian is one of the world’s leading experts on Information & Privacy;

D-ID Is Presenting This Week at the Identity Week Conference in London.

Tel Aviv, Israel, 10 June, 2019 – D-ID the only company that fully protects identities from facial recognition systems, today announced that Dr. Ann Cavoukian is joining the company’s Advisory Board. Dr. Cavoukian one of the world’s leading privacy experts and is the creator of the Privacy by Design framework.

Dr. Ann Cavoukian is recognized as one of the world’s leading privacy experts. She is presently the Executive Director, leading the Global Privacy & Security by Design Centre, in Toronto Canada. A three-term Information and Privacy Commissioner for the Canadian province of Ontario, she is the creator of the Privacy by Design framework that seeks to proactively embed privacy into the design specifications of information technologies, networked infrastructure and business practices.

Welcoming Ann Cavoukian, D-ID’s co-founder and CEO Gill Perry said: “We are thrilled and honored to welcome Ann to our Advisory Board. Her rich experience and deep understanding of privacy regulation will be a huge asset for us as we continue to advance our revolutionary facial-recognition blocking platform.”

Dr. Ann Cavoukian commented: “Our face is among the most sensitive biometrics in existence. If a facial image is obtained without consent, it can easily be compromised, resulting in devastating occurrences such as identity theft. Technologies such as D-ID’s can greatly protect facial images and take individuals and organizations out of harm’s way.”

Join D-ID at Identity Week, London, June 11-13 – Stand DS11

D-ID applies advanced deep-learning methodologies to protect facial images against automated face-recognition. Unlike traditional methods of photo protection – encryption, pixelization, or blurring that limit a photo’s usability and can even ruin its appearance – D-ID removes unnecessary sensitive biometric data from facial images but leaves them similar to the human eye. A D-ID protected facial image is completely usable – yet it cannot be detected by existing classifiers, outsmarting even the most advanced facial recognition engines.

D-ID will present this week at the Identity Week conference in London, UK in stand DS11.

About D-ID

D-ID protects facial images against automated face-recognition, reducing the threat of identity theft. The company’s AI and deep-learning technologies make images unrecognizable to face-recognition algorithms – while keeping them similar to human eyes. This allows organizations to enhance security while ensuring their customers’ and employees’ privacy, meeting strict Privacy regulations such as the GDPR and embedding “Privacy by Design”. D-ID’s patented solutions are successfully implemented in leading fortune 500 companies and institutions worldwide.

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