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Security and Privacy Compliance

At D-ID, we understand the paramount importance of safeguarding personal information. As a leader in AI technology, we’re not just about innovation; we’re also committed to upholding the highest standards of security and compliance. We’re excited to share how we protect your data with the same vigor with which we develop our technology.

Uncompromised Security Measures

We employ cutting-edge security protocols to ensure that your data remains secure and private:

  • SSL Encrypted Communications: All data interactions with our services are safeguarded with SSL encryption using the robust TLS 1.3 Protocol.
  • Secure Data Storage: Your data is securely encrypted at rest in Transparent Data Encryption S3 Storage, guarded 24/7 by advanced firewall technologies and Web Application Firewalls (WAF).
  • Stringent Data Management: We automatically erase transient and temporary information after 24 hours or upon customer request via the API delete endpoint.
  • End-to-End Protection: Our workstations are fully encrypted and fortified with Anti-Virus and Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) systems.
  • GDPR Compliance: We respect your privacy by adhering to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) standards, ensuring your personal information is handled safely and transparently.

ISO Certification

We are proud to be recognized with three prestigious ISO certifications:

  • ISO/IEC 27001:2013: A testament to our robust information security management.
  • ISO/IEC 27017:2015: Sets the benchmark for best practices in cloud security.
  • ISO/IEC 27018:2019: Ensures the protection of personally identifiable information (PII) in cloud environments and cloud compliance with data protection laws like the GDPR.

These certifications are not just accolades—they are proof of our relentless commitment to data security and compliance, thoroughly vetted by external bodies to ensure we meet global and customer standards .

For more information about our ISO certifications, click here.

Committed to Transparency and Integrity

  • Proactive Breach Management: Should a data or security breach occur, we are prepared to act swiftly, responsibly, and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations to inform and protect our users.
  • Real-Time Backups: Our servers and data are continuously mirrored and backed up on the AWS platform as part of our comprehensive disaster recovery plan.
  • Rigorous Access Controls: We maintain strict access protocols, ensuring that only certified personnel interact with our production environments and that users have access only to their own data, with regular credential reviews and revocations.

Why Trust D-ID?

Your sensitive information is in safe hands with D-ID. We don’t just meet the standard; we set it. Our commitment to security, backed by the highest certification standards and implemented through leading-edge technology, ensures that your data is protected against today’s threats and tomorrow’s challenges.

Learn more about our privacy policy.

Want to hear more about D-ID? Fill out our contact form to speak with an account executive.


Choose D-ID—where innovative AI meets uncompromised security and privacy. Let’s move forward together, securely.

Our Ethics Advisors

Debra Farber

Debra Farber

Privacy Tech Expert & Investor at AWS, BigID, Visa, IBM

Debra Farber
Debra Farber

Debra Farber

Privacy Tech Expert & Investor at AWS, BigID, Visa, IBM

Debra Is a globally-recognized Privacy, former head of privacy at Amazon, Security and Ethical Tech Advisor and Principal and Host of The Shifting Privacy Left Podcast. With 17 years of experience managing privacy and data protection issues, Debra has shifted left to work with companies seeking to unlock the value of their data with privacy by design (PbD) strategies, privacy enabling technologies (PETs), and privacy engineering methodologies.

Richard Purcell

Richard Purcell

former Chief Privacy Officer at Microsoft

Richard Purcell
Richard Purcell

Richard Purcell

former Chief Privacy Officer at Microsoft

A recognized expert in information privacy and data protection andMicrosoft’s first Chief Privacy Officer. He has extensive expertise in information privacy and data protection both domestically and internationally. He developed Privacy by 3PT: A Management Model and ACT: A Privacy Education Model.

Dr. Ann Cavoukian

Creator of Privacy by Design; Executive Director of the Global Privacy & Security by Design Centre

Dr. Ann Cavoukian

Creator of Privacy by Design; Executive Director of the Global Privacy & Security by Design Centre

Dr. Ann Cavoukian is recognized as one of the world’s leading privacy experts.. Dr. Cavoukian served an unprecedented three terms as the Information & Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Canada. There she created Privacy by Design, a framework that seeks to proactively embed privacy into the design specifications of information technologies, networked infrastructure and business practices, thereby achieving the strongest protection possible. In 2010, International Privacy Regulators unanimously passed a Resolution recognizing Privacy by Design as an international standard. 

We pledge the following

  • Ethical Foundation

    We will strive to develop and use technology to benefit society, even at the expense of customer and investor priorities.

  • Ethical use by customers

    We will work hard to ensure that our customers are using our technology in ethical, responsible ways and while obtaining the necessary third-party consent if so required. We will endeavor to build “ethical use” clauses into all of our terms and conditions, which will allow us to suspend services and revoke the use license to those who fail to comply.

  • Work toward an industry-wide track and trace system

    We will work to collaborate with major platforms, operators and others to create an industry-wide, standardized track and trace system (e.g. a digital watermark system) to allow users and vendors to detect/be alerted to synthetic media in all its forms. Until that exists, we will work to ensure that all uses of our technology are clearly marked or understood as synthetic. Our license agreements will permit the addition of such watermarks in a way that will not interfere with the content.

  • Avoid contentious areas

    We strive to ensure that our platform and services will not be used for fake news purposes nor by anyone associated with a pornographic publisher, a terrorist organization or any individual, company or organization under applicable sanctions. We see this as our responsibility and moral obligation, and as such it is our commitment to exhaust all legal measures at our disposal to immediately suspend such use, should we discover such violation.

  • Ensure moderation

    Provided we are legally allowed and where technically possible, we will conduct random audits of both original and generated materials that use our technology. We will do this to ensure that the material and created output are consistent both with our values as well as emerging standards and policies from governments and regulators.

  • Treat talent farely and transparently

    Where an actor is visible or audible, we do our best to ensure that our contract with them respects their privacy and consent, in line with existing industry standards and expectations. In certain cases, there is a need for talent behind the scenes, as drivers for synthetic output, either from us or our licensees. In such cases, we will do our best to require that the performers consent to their performances being used in this way, are fairly paid, and informed of the distribution of their performances.

  • Improve public awareness

    Through a content program, we will educate the public about how our technology, and synthetic media in general, works and how to spot its use and as mentioned, we will work to ensure that all uses of our technology are clearly marked סr understood as synthetic.

  • Make sure our datasets are unbiased

    We will strive to train our platform with data sets that are diverse and do not favor any particular ethnicity, age or community.

  • Respect copyright

    We will contractually require our licensees to have the proper rights, including processing rights, to all the source material including images, audio and video involved in any generated content.

  • Cooperate with regulators

    We will cooperate with appropriate regulatory and non-governmental bodies for mutual dialogue about ethical development and deployment of our tech. D-ID’s platform is compliant with the White House’s recently released Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights, a non-binding document that aims to regulate how companies and government agencies can safeguard people from misuse or abuse at the hands of AI technology.

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