AI Learning Video Articles & Resources | D-ID AI Video The #1 Choice for AI Video Creation Platform Mon, 24 Jun 2024 11:51:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 AI Learning Video Articles & Resources | D-ID AI Video 32 32 5 Ways AI Can Transform Corporate Training Videos Thu, 20 Jun 2024 10:02:53 +0000 Effective employee training is crucial for success. Period. However, traditional slide-based training often falls short of expectations. Static presentations can lead to passive learning experiences, with employees zoning out and struggling to retain information. This translates to a disengaged workforce and a potential gap in skill development. The good news is that there’s a revolution...

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Effective employee training is crucial for success. Period. However, traditional slide-based training often falls short of expectations. Static presentations can lead to passive learning experiences, with employees zoning out and struggling to retain information. This translates to a disengaged workforce and a potential gap in skill development.

The good news is that there’s a revolution brewing in corporate training: Artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging as a powerful tool for transforming dry presentations into dynamic and engaging AI training videos. 

AI offers a plethora of advantages over traditional training methods. Here’s why incorporating AI into your training strategy is a smart move:

  • Boost Engagement and Retention: Static slides rarely capture learner attention for long. AI-powered videos, on the other hand, can leverage animation, narration, and interactive elements to create a more immersive learning experience. This not only keeps employees engaged but also improves knowledge retention. Studies have shown that video-based learning can increase information retention by up to 60% compared to text-based formats.
  • Improve Accessibility: The beauty of AI-powered video creation lies in its ability to accommodate diverse learning styles. Learners can benefit from audio narration, on-screen text, and even subtitles in multiple languages. This not only enhances accessibility for those with visual or auditory impairments but also caters to a global workforce with preferred learning styles.
  • Save Time and Resources: Developing high-quality training materials can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. AI tools can streamline this process by automating tasks like slide narration, video editing, and even quiz creation. This frees up valuable time and resources for trainers to focus on other aspects of their role, such as personalized coaching and feedback.

Now that we’ve established the power of AI in corporate training, let’s delve into the specifics. Here are five key ways AI can revolutionize how you turn those static slides into engaging training videos:

Method 1: AI-powered Slide Narration & Animation

Remember the days of spending hours recording monotonous voice-overs for your presentations? AI is here to liberate you from that tedious task. AI-powered AI tools can analyze the text on your slides and automatically generate high-quality voice-overs in a variety of tones and languages.

But narration is just the beginning. AI can also add a whole new dimension to your visuals with the power of animation. Imagine complex processes coming alive through dynamic animations that explain concepts in a clear and engaging way. AI can automatically create these animations based on the content of your slides, taking your training videos from static to spectacular.

Let’s say you’re training your sales team on a new product launch. Instead of just showing a picture of the product, AI could generate an animation that highlights its key features and functionalities. This not only makes the learning process more interactive but also helps embed product knowledge more effectively in the minds of your employees.

Method 2: Smart Video Editing with AI

Gone are the days of clunky slide transitions and awkward pauses in your training videos. AI video creation tools can automatically analyze your slides and seamlessly string them together into a smooth and professional-looking video.

These tools can not only ensure smooth transitions but also add an extra layer of polish with features like automatic music and sound effects selection. Imagine a training video on customer service that seamlessly transitions between slides with uplifting music and positive sound effects, creating a positive and engaging learning experience.

AI can even help with the dreaded intro and outro creation. No more spending hours agonizing over the perfect opening or closing. AI tools can generate professional-looking intros and outros based on your branding and video content, saving you valuable time and effort.

Method 3: AI-driven Character Integration

Let’s face it, traditional slide presentations can feel impersonal and one-dimensional. AI offers a solution by allowing you to integrate virtual characters or conversational AI avatars, like D-ID Agents, into your training videos. These AI-powered characters can act as presenters, guides, or even simulated customers, adding a human touch and fostering a more engaging learning experience.

Imagine a conflict resolution training video in which an AI-powered avatar plays the role of a disgruntled customer. Employees can practice their de-escalation skills in a safe, simulated environment, receiving immediate feedback from the virtual character. This method not only enhances engagement but also provides a realistic training experience that prepares employees for real-world scenarios.

Here are some additional benefits of using AI-powered characters:

  • Increased Personalization: Characters can be customized to reflect your company culture or target audience, making the training content more relatable and impactful.
  • Scalability and Consistency: AI characters ensure consistent delivery of training content across different locations and languages, removing the need for multiple human trainers.
  • Microlearning Opportunities: Short, bite-sized training modules featuring AI characters can be easily created for microlearning initiatives, allowing employees to learn at their own pace.

Method 4: Quiz & Assessment Integration with AI

Moving beyond passive learning, AI can transform your training videos into interactive experiences with the help of quizzes and assessments. AI tools can automatically generate quizzes based on the content of your slides, allowing employees to test their knowledge and identify areas that require further clarification.

Here’s how AI-powered quizzes can enhance your training program:

  • Reinforce Learning: Interactive quizzes help solidify understanding by prompting learners to recall key information and apply it in a practical setting.
  • Personalized Learning Paths: Based on quiz results, AI can recommend additional training modules or resources to address individual knowledge gaps, creating personalized learning paths for each employee.
  • Data-driven Insights: AI can analyze quiz data to identify areas where training content might be unclear or require improvement. This allows you to continuously refine your training materials based on employee performance.

Method 5: AI-powered Translation & Localization

Catering to a diverse audience is crucial. AI-powered translation tools can break down language barriers and make your training content accessible to a wider audience. With AI, you can easily translate slide text and narration into multiple languages, ensuring all your employees receive the same high-quality training experience regardless of their location or native tongue.

Here are some key advantages of AI-powered translation for corporate training:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: AI translation can be significantly faster and more cost-effective than traditional human translation services.
  • Accuracy and Consistency: AI tools continue to learn and improve, offering increasingly accurate translations that maintain consistency across languages.
  • Cultural Nuances: While machine translation is constantly evolving, it’s important to consider the potential need for human review to ensure cultural appropriateness in the translated content.

Tips & Considerations for AI-powered Video Creation

Before diving headfirst into the world of AI-powered video creation, here are a few factors to keep in mind:

  • Choosing the Right Tool: There’s a growing number of AI tools available for video creation. Consider your budget, desired features, and ease of use when selecting the best tool for your needs. Create an AI Video with D-ID today!
  • Slide Preparation: For optimal AI processing, ensure your slides have clear and concise text, high-quality visuals, and a logical flow.
  • Human Touch Still Matters: While AI offers powerful capabilities, it’s important to remember that human expertise is still crucial. AI-generated videos may require some human editing for a final polish and to ensure overall video quality.

The Future of AI in Corporate Training

The potential of AI in corporate training extends far beyond the methods discussed above. Imagine a future where AI personalizes learning paths based on individual needs and preferences, creates microlearning modules tailored to specific skill gaps, and provides real-time feedback during training simulations. As AI continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovative and effective ways to train and develop our workforce.

Incorporating AI into your training strategy isn’t just about creating fancy videos; it’s about creating a more engaging, effective, and accessible learning experience for your employees. By leveraging the power of AI, you can transform your training programs from static presentations to dynamic and interactive experiences that drive knowledge retention, improve employee performance, and ultimately contribute to the success of your organization.

So, the next time you’re faced with the task of developing training materials, consider embracing the power of AI. You might be surprised at how this innovative technology can help you revolutionize your corporate training and empower your workforce to reach.

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The Next Wave of Educational Innovation: Integrating AI Agents in Teaching and Training Thu, 30 May 2024 11:05:26 +0000 Get an education. Learn a profession. Go out into the world. Make a difference. It’s what we’ve all been told we have to do from the moment we were born. But these days, it’s easier said than done.  Despite doing everything right, millennials struggle due to the market downturn. Many are drowning in student loan...

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Get an education. Learn a profession. Go out into the world. Make a difference. It’s what we’ve all been told we have to do from the moment we were born. But these days, it’s easier said than done. 

Despite doing everything right, millennials struggle due to the market downturn. Many are drowning in student loan debt and having difficulty making ends meet. They are puzzled by how their parents could afford a single-family home on a single breadwinner’s income. Why should GenZers struggle if it won’t be worth it in the end? In short, students lack motivation to learn, requiring a revamp of traditional teaching methods to engage them, and educators must avoid burnout to support this.

How is this even possible? Meet D-ID Agents.

What Challenges Does the Education Sector Face?

Education is one of the most overburdened and underappreciated industries out there. Keeping students engaged and motivated, especially in online and large classroom settings, is becoming increasingly challenging. With the average attention span hovering at around 8 seconds and rapid digitization leading to a need for instant gratification, traditional education methods seem to be going extinct. 

Educators are also less motivated to do well in this profession because they are often underpaid for the work they put into each lesson. Add the ongoing teacher shortage to the mix, and it’s no wonder educators are often stretched thin. They are tasked with managing large classes and handling extensive paperwork, which leaves little time for personalized student interactions and innovation in teaching methods.

And, as if that weren’t enough, running an educational institution isn’t cheap. Significant resources are dedicated to traditional teaching methods. These include expenses related to hiring and training staff, maintaining physical facilities, and purchasing educational materials. Things need to change, but overhauling the system and infrastructure to be more2024-friendly methods isn’t going to be easy.

How Can AI Be Used to Improve Today’s Education System?

AI is already being utilized in the education sector. For example, one university in Spain introduced an interactive AI video assistant to its newly enrolled students to create personalized connections. This avatar provides a warm welcome to students and offers assistance with basic inquiries about everything from payments to course enrollment, dramatically reducing the number of emails and phone inquiries handled by its staff. This is just the beginning.

AI solutions in education leverage a blend of cutting-edge technologies to enhance the learning experience. Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) searches through knowledge bases to find relevant information while Large Language Models (LLM) use large-scale models to understand and generate language. Together, they create services that feel like they’re talking with each student, not at them.

Conversational AI, supported by Natural Language Processing (NLP), develops responses that are not only precise but also help students feel like they’re talking to a campus advisor, adding a level of warmth and support to each interaction.

How Can D-ID Agents Benefit Educational Institutions?

D-ID Agents is revolutionizing the educational sector by leveraging the latest AI technology to enhance engagement and productivity for students, teachers, and administrators on campus. Best of all, the Agents have a human face, tone of voice and even speak in different languages, making the student feel more at ease with the interaction.

The Voice They Need

No two students are exactly the same. D-ID Agents is designed to offer a level of empathy and understanding, simulating face-to-face interactions even in digital learning environments. This creates a more engaging and supportive learning atmosphere for students, who feel like their needs are being met.

When They Need It

Available around the clock, D-ID Agents provides students with immediate feedback and assistance. This is essential for maintaining engagement and supporting learning outside traditional classroom hours, like when a question about the curriculum pops up during a 3 AM study session. It’s also important for streamlining admin tasks, as the AI video avatars take care of the heavy lifting without needing to involve your office staff.

Like They’re The Only Student in Class

D-ID Agents creates personalized learning experiences that adapt to each student’s individual needs, learning styles, and progress. This enhances the effectiveness of educational programs without adding more work to already overstretched educators. 

Finally Catching Their Attention

With interactive and realistic digital avatars, D-ID Agents makes learning more engaging and interactive. This could potentially lead to improved student outcomes and satisfaction, as students who are engaged are more likely to retain information and voluntarily participate in class and assignments.

Ready to Re-Engage Your School’s Staff and Students?

D-ID Agents presents a new approach to educational support through personalization and interactivity that can enhance student engagement, create personalized learning experiences, and streamline administrative processes. If you’re ready to re-engage students and educators with Agents, fill out our contact form to book a meeting with a D-ID account executive.

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Introducing D-ID Agents – The New Frontier in Conversational AI Fri, 08 Dec 2023 14:48:31 +0000 As technology evolves to mirror human interaction, D-ID proudly presents our newest product, D-ID Agents – a groundbreaking leap from traditional user interfaces to a Natural User Interface (NUI). D-ID Agents aims to transform the user experience by enabling face-to-face conversations between people and computers, resulting in more human-like interactions. Looking Forward With Conversational AI...

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As technology evolves to mirror human interaction, D-ID proudly presents our newest product, D-ID Agents – a groundbreaking leap from traditional user interfaces to a Natural User Interface (NUI). D-ID Agents aims to transform the user experience by enabling face-to-face conversations between people and computers, resulting in more human-like interactions.

Looking Forward With Conversational AI

Designed for both technical and non-technical users, this no-code solution allows anyone to create conversational AI avatars with human-like faces that users can speak with in a face-to-face conversation. Imagine engaging with digital people who understand natural speech and respond like real people. These intelligent assistants utilize the latest advancements in AI, including Large Language Models (LLM), Natural Language Understanding (NLU), Natural Language Generation (NLG) and Retreival Augmented Generation (RAG) technologies, to comprehend your environment and respond to you accurately and intelligently. 

How Does D-ID Agents Work?

As a cutting-edge addition to the Creative Reality™ studio suite, D-ID Agents empowers users to craft personalized digital people capable of holding dynamic conversations. These intelligent AI avatars stand out by answering queries with unparalleled accuracy and speed, leveraging a knowledge base curated by the agent’s owner. 

Creating a personalized agent is an easy process. Ownersselect their preferred avatar, choose the agent’s voice and intonation, and decide how they want the agent to respond to queries. They then upload up to five PDFs or text documents, providing source knowledge that is not available to the LLM used by the agent. For example, uploaded documents may have recent news or non-public information that would be pertinent to the agent’s knowledge base and desired function.

Once the agent is generated, users can interact with it by typing in a question in the text input box or by clicking the microphone icon and speaking with their voice. The agent-building process is quick, simple, and hassle-free!

What Sets D-ID Agents Apart?

D-ID Agents sets a new standard in the realm of digital interaction, distinguishing itself with a unique array of features accessible via the Studio website or API. This innovative platform simplifies the process of creating and managing digital agents, making it easy for users to build and customize their AI assistants. A standout feature is the ability to construct a knowledge base in multiple languages, enhancing the versatility and global reach of these agents. Additionally, D-ID Agents offers the flexibility of seamless integration, allowing users to embed their digital assistants on external websites or directly within the Studio environment.

At the core of D-ID Agents is the cutting-edge Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) technology, which ensures not only swift but also highly accurate responses, boasting over 90% accuracy delivered in under two seconds. This technology transcends the limitations of traditional language models, providing up-to-date and refined information.

Impact of D-ID Agents

D-ID Agents is set to revolutionize industries by offering an enhanced level of customer interaction. These advanced AI bots are not just about providing information; they are about creating connections, thereby significantly improving engagement rates, customer satisfaction, and conversion rates. D-ID Agents can help users with anything from studying astronomy, to querying documents, to chatting with their followers. Each agent is an expert in a different area or has access to some specific knowledge. You can talk with an agent to find out exactly who they are and what their role is.

Practical Applications of D-ID Agents:

Enhancing Customer Experience: D-ID Agents are poised to redefine the customer experience (CX) landscape. Imagine a world where customers interact with digital representatives who not only answer queries but also understand emotions and provide tailored responses. D-ID Agents can serve as the first point of contact, offering personalized 24/7 support and improving customer satisfaction rates.

Sales and Marketing: Agents can be equipped with product descriptions and guides, enabling them to be a valuable resource for customers when they are ready to make a purchase. Your AI sales agent has the ability to make recommendations based on given feedback, suggest complimentary products, and answer any questions that a customer may have – thereby increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Digital Twins for Influencers and Celebrities: In the world of entertainment and influence, digital twins can offer a unique way for celebrities to connect with their audience. These AI-powered avatars can engage with fans, answer FAQs, and even represent influencers on various digital platforms, extending their reach and presence.

Educational Applications: The use of D-ID Agents in education can bring history to life. Students can interact with digital recreations of historical figures like George Washington or Maya Angelou, gaining insights and learning in an engaging, conversational manner. This immersive learning experience can transform traditional education methods and create a connection between the student and the subject in a way we haven’t experienced before.

The launch of D-ID Agents represents not just a technological advancement in AI videos, but also an invitation to both businesses and individuals to step into a future where digital communication is as intuitive and engaging as face-to-face conversations.

If you want to make an agent of your own, sign up to the waitlist of our limited release.

Interested in finding out more about Agents? Fill out our contact form and a sales team member will get in touch with you.

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Bringing AI Avatars into the Metaverse with Virtual Classrooms Sun, 10 Sep 2023 10:25:44 +0000 At Edumetaverse we’ve been using D-ID for the last year and staff and students have been loving it. With a user-friendly interface and intuitive controls, anyone can create animated AI videos with just a few simple steps. Moreover, the app ensures high-quality output, producing realistic and engaging videos that capture the essence of the original...

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At Edumetaverse we’ve been using D-ID for the last year and staff and students have been loving it. With a user-friendly interface and intuitive controls, anyone can create animated AI videos with just a few simple steps. Moreover, the app ensures high-quality output, producing realistic and engaging videos that capture the essence of the original image.

We work in the field of education, and D-ID opens up exciting creative possibilities. It enables educators to breathe life into historical characters, transforming static textbook descriptions into vivid, interactive experiences. Students can witness historical figures speak and move, making history come alive like never before. Moreover, for us, D-ID allows for the creation of video guides in our virtual worlds. These provide immersive learning experiences in subjects like geography, science, and literature.

By allowing students to voice their own AI constructs, the app encourages creativity and active participation in the learning process. Here at Edumetaverse, we’ve harnessed the power of D-ID to create immersive and informative experiences within our virtual worlds. Being able to add your own audio files has been a massive plus point for us. This allows us to create human-sounding avatars. One such example is the ‘Ancient Egypt’ experience, where multiple animated characters come to life and drive the narrative for students. As students explore the virtual world, they can interact with these characters, gaining valuable insights and information about the ancient civilization.

These AI-generated guides provide historical context, making the learning experience engaging and interactive. D-ID is now a big part of our content creation process and should be a first stop for anyone looking at generative AI.

Andrew Wright is the Director and Lead Education Consultant at EDUmetaverse & iTeacher. Andrew has over 20 years of experience in the classroom, and ten years teaching in 1-1 schools.

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Fellow teachers, it’s time to embrace AI in our classrooms Sun, 12 Feb 2023 08:20:00 +0000 Dear teachers, Artificial intelligence has arrived on the scene and is revolutionizing education at a surprising pace. We can no longer ignore its presence or fight against it, as it is here to stay and our students will use it in their daily lives. For this reason, it is important that we teachers take advantage...

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Dear teachers,

Artificial intelligence has arrived on the scene and is revolutionizing education at a surprising pace. We can no longer ignore its presence or fight against it, as it is here to stay and our students will use it in their daily lives. For this reason, it is important that we teachers take advantage of this technology to improve our educational work. Artificial intelligence offers us the opportunity to rethink many aspects of education and adapt to a new reality.

Traditional lesson plans and homework tasks that rely on tasks such as summarizing or writing essays are no longer sufficient. These tasks can be performed by artificial intelligence in a matter of seconds, so we must embrace change and adapt our classes to this new reality. In recent months, numerous AI-based tools have emerged with different purposes.

In training sessions for other professionals within the education field, I show my colleagues how to take advantage of these tools to optimize learning and create personalized learning experiences. I’d like to highlight three of these tools, ChatGPT, Midjourney, and D-ID.

The first and the one that so far created the biggest impact on society has been ChatGPT, the most powerful artificial intelligence I have seen to date. Teachers can ask ChatGPT to create completely personalized and original stories simply by offering a little information in the form of a prompt. All you have to do is write “Invent a story about pirates who hide a princess in their hold and take her to a distant kingdom. The pirates are named Peter and Frank. Princess Sophie.” In a matter of seconds, we have an original story that fits our premise.

Starting from the story, we can continue asking ChatGPT for things, such as translating it into another language, creating open questions about the text, true or false, filling in gaps, or multiple choice. We can even ask it to convert it to a CSV format so we can import it from other quiz platforms! As you can see, in just a few minutes teachers can have a personalized activity for a variety of different class levels.

Another tool that amazed me is Midjourney. It is an artificial intelligence that transforms text into amazingly well-designed images. With this tool, the teacher can ask students to describe a place or person and Midjourney will turn it into reality. It’s amazing when you see the faces of the students when they see how their words are transformed into images. In the same way, teachers can ask Midjourney to create images according to certain parameters. Do you want a maze? Do you want a character for your narrative? Do you want a castle on top of a mountain? Just ask!

Finally, another tool that I teach in the training sessions is D-ID. D-ID’s Creative Reality Studio allows you to create virtual avatars and give them movements through audio or written text. With this tool, any image will come to life with its own voice and will explain or speak about anything we want it to.

Teachers can use this tool to create characters for their gamified lessons, create threads for storytelling, explain concepts, tell stories, create scripts in other languages, and take advantage of different accents. Students, meanwhile, can bring their written work to life, create amazing stories, and create presentations for their projects.

Artificial intelligence has arrived to stay and it is important that we take advantage of it to improve our educational work and create personalized learning experiences for our students.

Norberto Cuartero has a degree in psychopedagogy and is a special education and foreign language teacher. He currently works as a teacher at the Teresiano del Pilar School in Zaragoza and is a teacher in the Master in Educational Technology and Digital Competences at UNIR. He is also part of the network of certified Google Innovators and Educators. In his daily work, he uses play in the classroom, supports the Flipped Classroom model, and uses gamification to achieve maximum student engagement.

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Find Out What’s Next for Generative AI: D-ID CEO’s Top 5 Predictions for 2023 Sat, 31 Dec 2022 08:36:00 +0000 Get ready for the future of artificial intelligence with generative AI! This cutting-edge technology uses machine learning to bring your wildest ideas to life, creating original content in the form of text, images, music, and even videos. In 2022, we saw a major breakthrough with the release of tools like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and DALLE-2, Stability...

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Get ready for the future of artificial intelligence with generative AI! This cutting-edge technology uses machine learning to bring your wildest ideas to life, creating original content in the form of text, images, music, and even videos. In 2022, we saw a major breakthrough with the release of tools like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and DALLE-2, Stability AI’s Stable Diffusion Dream Studio, and D-ID’s own Creative Reality Studio, making it more accessible than ever before. But the best is yet to come – analysts predict that the generative AI industry will explode, becoming a massive $110 billion market by 2030.

1. Get Ready for the Mainstream Arrival of Generative AIPeople consulting with generative ai

While currently mostly used by researchers and developers, as well as a select few early adopters in the advertising, marketing, and creator industries, generative AI is on the brink of widespread adoption. In 2023, expect to see the technology become more refined and user-friendly, with a proliferation of platforms integrating these capabilities. Businesses and regular consumers alike will discover the immense potential of generative AI, which allows anyone to produce top-quality copy, animation, emails, sales pitches, product recommendations, concept art, manufacturing models, and so much more. No longer will you need to be a marketing expert or animator to create professional-grade content – generative AI has the power to democratize entire industries. Get ready to experience the transformative potential of this groundbreaking technology in the coming year!  

2. Generative AI: Coming Soon to a Business Near You

A robot working in an office

Generative AI is already an invaluable tool for creating marketing materials, generating product ideas, and crafting advertising messages. But soon, AI will be able to take things to the next level by engaging in two-way interactions with customers, understanding their needs and requests, and responding in a human-like manner.

By using AI to handle routine inquiries and requests, businesses can free up their human employees to tackle more complex tasks. Additionally, AI-powered customer service agents can handle a high volume of requests at once, making them an efficient and cost-effective solution. And in the realm of sales, generative AI can generate personalized recommendations and offers to improve conversion rates and drive more sales.

In 2023, I predict that businesses will embrace the use of AI for tasks such as marketing, customer service, sales, learning, and client retention with enthusiasm.

3. Governments will Introduce New Regulations on Generative AI

Regulators interviewing a robot

As generative AI becomes more prevalent in our lives, government and industry will be compelled to introduce regulations to ensure responsible use of the technology. While generative AI offers numerous benefits, there is also the risk of misuse, such as the distribution of misinformation, IP theft, or invasion of privacy.

China has already announced that it will ban the publication of “deepfakes” without proper disclosure that they were created by AI, and other jurisdictions like the EU and the US have proposed legislation or guidelines. We predict that 2023 will bring the start of comprehensive regulation, providing much-needed clarity, a development that leaders in the space will wholeheartedly embrace as long as governments and lawmakers don’t over-regulate. By ensuring that the technology is used ethically and responsibly, governments and industry can help to mitigate any potential negative consequences and pave the way for a brighter future powered by generative AI.

4. Major Upgrades in Generative AI Content Quality are on the Way

A robot working out in the gym

One of the main criticisms of generative AI has been the lack of realism in its generated content. But we’re predicting a game-changing shift in 2023 as new, specialized software and tools, as well as improved hardware, allow for a drastic increase in the fidelity of AI-generated content.

Currently, the primary benefit of using generative AI is its ability to streamline repetitive or mundane tasks, saving time and resources. However, in the coming year, we expect to see a significant increase in quality thanks to advances such as increased data availability, sophisticated algorithms and models, optimization techniques, efficient training methods, and specialized software. When AI starts to surpass the capabilities it currently only replicates or enhances, it will truly become a disruptive force. Get ready for a whole new level of realism in generative AI content.

5. Generative AI Opens the Door to New Professions

Humans and generative AI working together

As generative AI becomes more mainstream, it will create exciting job opportunities for those skilled in using the technology. Just as the camera spawned the profession of photography and the record player brought forth DJs, generative AI will introduce a host of new professions. For example, “prompt engineers” who excel at writing descriptions that produce desired results from generative AI tools could become highly sought-after.

Already, we’re seeing marketplaces emerge where talented prompters can sell their prompts or be hired to create custom ones. In addition, generative AI may lead to a higher demand for professionals with strong creative skills, such as storytellers, character creators, and visual directors. These professionals will play a crucial role in maximizing the potential of generative AI and producing top-quality results.

Contrary to popular belief, AI is not here to steal our jobs – we will still need talented humans with creative flair to make the most of what generative AI has to offer.

Gil Perry is the co-founder and CEO of D-ID. A version of this article was published by Fast Company

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Survey Insights: L&D Video Content Creation in 2023 – Considerations, Priorities, and Tools Mon, 21 Nov 2022 13:44:44 +0000 It’s no secret that video is supremely effective for organizations seeking to assure learner engagement and content retention. In fact, 3 out of 4 employees agree that they are more likely to watch a training video than look through documents or scroll through emails and web articles. And when the video is instructor-led, learners report having an...

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It’s no secret that video is supremely effective for organizations seeking to assure learner engagement and content retention. In fact, 3 out of 4 employees agree that they are more likely to watch a training video than look through documents or scroll through emails and web articles. And when the video is instructor-led, learners report having an even more valuable and favorable learning experience.

As such, video is taking an increasingly important role in L&D strategies and curricula. So, we set out to understand the dynamics impacting considerations and decisions for L&D video learning in 2023, by going directly to the source.

About the survey

In October 2022 we conducted a survey of a representative sample of L&D professionals who influence training and learning and development decisions at US-based organizations across multiple industries and which have over 1,000 employees.

Respondent role distribution

Industries represented

The key takeaways

What follows are the main takeaways we gathered about the leading overall L&D priorities, the main video content needs, what’s top of mind when it comes to video content creation, and the tools that rank high for achieving relevant goals.

Leading overall L&D priorities

When asked about their priorities for the coming quarters respondents noted that the big three are – improving the quality of training content, enabling employee upskilling and reskilling, and improving internal mobility (along with employee retention).

Two additional priorities include controlling costs and keeping up with industry-related technology.

Video content needs

Video is broadly regarded as optimal for supporting the objective of improving the quality of training content and for increasing learner engagement.

Nearly 60% of respondents reported that they create such content in-house, with the remaining 40% outsourcing the work to third-party content providers.

Creating content in-house and with third parties

It’s also interesting to note that L&D is not alone in the video content creation effort. Other departments in the organizations that are deeply involved with creating video training materials include compliance, operations, and marketing among others.

Video needs across the organization

What’s top of mind for video creation

Costs, naturally, are first among the general L&D concerns as well as specifically for video content creation. The need is great, but budgets are often limited, coming in at an annual average of $50-100K.

Not having enough time to create such videos is another obstacle that is often difficult to overcome. L&D professionals are very busy and look for video creation solutions that will save them time and be hassle-free.

As for increasing learner engagement, videos with instructors who are natural and authentic make a positive impact on the learner’s experience.

Enabling tools

Tallying all this up, we can see why a broad majority of respondents agree that a video content creation tool that can help L&D create videos with ease, in less time, at a reduced cost, and with authenticity is most advantageous.

It is also agreed that AI-generated videos of humans that put instructors at the center are very effective at addressing these needs.

How D-ID can help

D-ID can help L&D (and any other department in the organization) address their needs, concerns, and goals with a tool that enables them to create compelling instructor-led learning and training videos quickly, hassle-free, cost-efficiently, and with authenticity.

Our offering is an AI-based solution that takes images of real faces, such as your employees, and turns them into high-quality, realistically natural videos.

It turns a single photo of a person into as many videos as you need. There is no need for video editing skills, nor for hiring an expensive production crew with a line-up of actors and complex equipment.

And with the human instructor at the center of your learning videos, you get more engagement than ever.

To learn how you can create person-led videos with ease and minimal time and cost, click here.

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PRODUCE PERSONALIZED VIDEOS WITH D-ID’S NEW CREATIVE REALITY™ STUDIO Mon, 19 Sep 2022 10:16:28 +0000 After months of hard work by our product development team, we are proud to announce the launch of our Creative Reality™ Studio. The first-of-its-kind self-service platform we released today enables anyone to easily generate high-quality customized presenter-led video from a single image. Who is the Creative Reality Studio for? Our highly advanced AI-powered platform allows...


After months of hard work by our product development team, we are proud to announce the launch of our Creative Reality™ Studio. The first-of-its-kind self-service platform we released today enables anyone to easily generate high-quality customized presenter-led video from a single image.

Who is the Creative Reality Studio for?

Our highly advanced AI-powered platform allows users to access the full suite of D-ID technology, empowering business content creators – L&D, HR, marketers, advertisers, and sales teams – to seamlessly integrate video in digital spaces and presentations, generating more engaging content and employing customized corporate video narrators. 

The platform dramatically reduces the cost and effort of creating corporate video content and offers an unlimited variety of presenters (versus limited avatars), including the users’ own photos or any image they have the rights to use.

What does D-ID’s platform do?

Our studio was created to answer the needs of enterprises and SMBs seeking to upgrade their learning & development (L&D) content, internal and external communications, product marketing and sales enablement materials. Our unique technology enables users to choose the identity – ethnicity, gender, age, and even the language, accent and intonation – of the presenter, providing greater representation and diversity and leading to a stronger sense of inclusion and belonging, which in turn drives further engagement and interaction. 

Key Features:

  • Choice of:
    • High definition Premium Presenters with life-like upper body and facial movements, including hand gestures. 
    • Additional option to create a Custom Premium Presenter (requires a short video shoot with the subject). 
    • Special Presenters with videos generated from any front-facing photo and text or audio. Just upload a picture and see it come to life.
  • The Creative Reality Studio is capable of animating detailed illustrations, opening users up to a world of possibilities including portraits of historical figures, fictional characters or even integrate AI-generated faces produced by programs like DALL·E 2 or Midjourney
  • Both the Standard and Premium presenters are easily generated, requiring only a few clicks to create
  • Videos can be translated into multiple languages by simply changing the script, rather than engaging different presenters, each fluent in the target language
  • Extensive neural voices across 119 languages and variants
  • Audio input, allowing users to create a more personalized voice-driven digital presenter, as well as voice cloning to match a specific voice 
  • Access to an exclusive plug-in for PowerPoint, allowing a customizable digital human to be placed directly into a presentation 
  • API version available for enterprise users

Why employ a digital presenter?

The use of video has increased dramatically and businesses of all sizes are integrating it in their training, communications and marketing strategies, as a more immediate, retentive and engaging alternative to text. Accelerating this trend are the rapidly evolving worlds of avatars and the metaverse, both of which urgently demand a more creative, immersive and interactive content approach from digital creators. Production budgets, however, can be prohibitively expensive and require significant allocations of time and talent. Synthetic media offers the ideal solution. 

Recently D-ID unveiled its new corporate training solution which enables companies to create engaging video content. D-ID is currently partnering with many blue-chip companies and learning & development providers who want to take advantage of this AI-based technology. Some of these include Fort Mill-based SkillDora, which launched the first e-learning platform to deliver courses exclusively by AI Instructors, and Japanese e-learning company, Skill Plus.  Some of D-ID’s other customers include Warner Bros. Studios, Mondelēz, Publicis and MyHeritage, whom D-ID partnered with to create the viral sensation Deep Nostalgia.

Video reenactment technology for all

Creative Reality™ Studio brings the company’s patented deep learning technology into the hands of millions for the first time. Until now, D-ID’s video reenactment technology has only been available on the enterprise level. Creative Reality™ Studio represents a meaningful stepping stone for the company as it expands into the wider corporate market. 

“D-ID’s work has already generated more than 100 million videos. Now that we’re offering our self-service Creative Reality™  platform, the potential is huge,” our CEO Gil Perry, said about the launch. “The studio enables larger enterprises, smaller companies and freelancers to produce personalized videos for a range of purposes at massive scale, with the potential to engage audiences in learning and development, sales training and more. Our technology cuts through the headache of corporate video production to effortlessly create high-quality, cost-effective, professional videos in any language at the click of a button.” 

Who is D-ID? 

We are a Creative Reality™ company specializing in patented video reenactment technology using AI and deep learning. Our products range from animating still photos to facilitating high-quality video productions and creating viral user experiences. With funding from tier 1 VCs, D-ID aims to radically disrupt the time, effort and costs involved in video production, allowing for the creation of highly personalized media using AI, specifically in e-learning, corporate training, marcoms, AI assistants, history and the Metaverse. With international customers, D-ID’s core competencies in the human face and deep learning technology enable its partners to create exciting and engaging content that was until now unimaginable.


Why the human face is essential for more engaging, memorable and effective training courses Sun, 04 Sep 2022 08:46:07 +0000 Capturing and keeping attention with training videos can be challenging. But when your employee training videos are instructor-led, particularly with a focus on the face of the instructor, learners are more engaged and have a more memorable and effective learning experience throughout a training and development program. What is Learning and Development? Most simply put, Learning...

The post Why the human face is essential for more engaging, memorable and effective training courses appeared first on D-ID.

Capturing and keeping attention with training videos can be challenging. But when your employee training videos are instructor-led, particularly with a focus on the face of the instructor, learners are more engaged and have a more memorable and effective learning experience throughout a training and development program.

What is Learning and Development?

Most simply put, Learning and Development (L&D) is the process of helping people acquire the knowledge, skills, and abilities they need to perform their jobs effectively. L&D can take many forms, but one of the most common methods is employee training videos.

The use of video in training programs is on the rise

The use of video for employee training in L&D is becoming more and more popular. And it’s no wonder why. Videos are a great way to provide engaging and interactive content that can be easily accessed by learners at any time in their training programs.

Teacher on screen with whiteboard
Video is now a normal aspect of training and development programs

Not only that, but videos can also be used to create a more personal learning experience by featuring faces and voices of instructors and other real people. This can help to create a connection with learners and make the content more relatable.

The power of presence

People need people. This is scientific fact, not just the inspiration for sentimental songs and new-age discourse.

As noted by Emiliana Simon-Thomas, PhD, the Science Director of the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley, “human beings are an ultra-social species — and our nervous systems expect to have others around us”. We are designed to need the presence of other humans.

And being in each other’s presence, whether ‘live’ or virtually, doesn’t only make us feel more at ease, and even healthier in both body and mind, it also helps us learn better.

This is where instructor-led learning videos come into play. Simply put, and true to its name, ‘instructor-led’ learning videos are those that feature an instructor who delivers information to learners.

Emiliana Simon-Thomas
Emiliana Simon-Thomas

“Human beings are an ultra-social species — and our nervous systems expect to have others around us”

Emiliana Simon-Thomas, PhD, Science Director of the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley

Having the presence of a human instructor in a training and development program is very important for assuring employee engagement and, ultimately, its efficacy. This can be seen in the fact that instructor-led videos are among the most common types of training videos that are found in online learning programs.

Focus on the face

But it’s not just about the person’s presence. It’s also about their face.

And the power of having people present in video content, with a focus on the human face, has long been recognized by the marketing and advertising industry.

In fact, it’s been shown that ads that feature a person’s face get nearly 92% more attention than those that don’t.

We crave connection. We are drawn to people’s faces, their eyes, and their smiles. So, just as advertising that is face-centric is more engaging and impactful, so is a face-centric employee development learning video.

The innate lure of the human face

One of the primary reasons that the human face is so essential to learning engagement is that it’s “one of the richest and most powerful tools in social communication,” according to Rachael E. Jack and Philippe G. Schyns, from the School of Psychology and the Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology, both at Scotland’s University of Glasgow.

Faces capture our attention automatically. Even as babies, we process faces long before we recognize other objects. This was demonstrated by a study conducted at the Stanford Vision and NeuroDevelopment Lab, in which brain-monitoring technology was used by the university’s psychology researchers to determine that infant brains respond to faces just as those of adults, even when the rest of the infant visual system lags behind.

Evidence shows we process faces long before we recognize other objects

Happy diverse faces

Scientists agree

In another study, also conducted at Stanford University, researchers set out to determine just how important the instructor’s face is to engaging viewers of person-led learning videos.

From the evidence that they gathered from two large-scale field studies, they found that online learners going through development programs, who saw the instructor’s face, reported having a better and more effective learning experience than those who didn’t.

They also noted that constantly presenting the instructor’s face actually enhanced learning and motivation.

Moreover, learners surveyed for the study expressed a strong preference for instruction with a human face, claiming that it was easier to follow a training video and pay attention to the content being delivered when there was a human face doing the delivery.

The Benefits of a Human Face in L&D Videos

Faces create more employee engagement because they are:

  1. The center of emotional communication
  2. A source of personal connection
  3. Attention-grabbing
  4. A vehicle for non-verbal communication

When training and development programs are instructor-led, and focus on the face of the instructor, learners are more engaged and report having a more memorable and effective learning experience.

After all, as it’s been said many times before, there really is nothing more engaging than the human face. And how this truth can benefit your employee training, and learning and development videos.

How D-ID can help

From all this evidence, it’s obvious that the human face is essential to creating employee training and development programs that are more engaging and effective.

D-ID can help anyone in the organization produce such compelling people-led, face-centric learning videos easily, quickly, and cost-efficiently.

We empower corporate employee training and development teams to create learning videos that feature the human face, for more effective learning videos, and all with a simple click of a button.

Our offering is an AI-based solution that takes your script and turns it into high-quality, realistic videos. Output as many videos as you need simply and quickly.

Whether it’s soft skills, leadership skills, onboarding, regulatory or compliance training, we can help you build a training and development program that puts people at the heart of employee development.

And with the human face at the center of your employee training video, you will get higher than ever levels of engagement, effectiveness and memorability.

The bottom line is that the human face is essential for more engaging, memorable, and effective learning videos. L&D professionals looking to bridge skill gaps in their training and development programs should keep this in mind when creating their next instructional video project.

To learn how you can create person-led videos that maximize learning by leveraging the engagement value of the human face, click here.

The post Why the human face is essential for more engaging, memorable and effective training courses appeared first on D-ID.
